A briefing review of Jump Superstars.

User Rating: 9.1 | Jump Superstars DS
This new game for Nintendo DS makes your anime dream come true! All Shonen Jump series characters are here and fight each other. Just imagine Goku vs Naruto or Yoh Asakura vs Yusuke! Everything is possible here!

Instead of choosing a character here, like as in many fighting games, you choose a "deck". In a deck you can have many characters who fight or support. You can choose between characters through the touch screen.All characters have roles depending of their "koma". "Koma" is the panel for the japanise manga.The big komas represent the Battle characters who fight in combat. the medium in size komas are the Support characters, who If you tap them in the touch screen, they do various effects such as attack, stun etc. The small komas are the Help characters who boost your Battle Characters.At the beginning you have some pre-made decks, but If you play the J-Mode (the "story mode" of the game), you unlock many komas that will help you make your own deck! Now, this is total fun, huh?

Its graphics are 2-D. The characters look like they came from the manga itself and the battlefield (which is a page of a manga!) looks beautiful. All battlefields are based form mangas. For example the battlefield of Dragonball is the Shenron!

Its sound, now, is like in 2-D games but, it will put you in the mood of the game.

The best part of this game is the Wi-Fi multiplayer mode! Up to 4 player can play this game. Imagine only the chaos in a 4-player game.

To conlude, I recommend this game to all Nintendo DS gamers. The Shonen Jump fans will love it vey much, and those who don't know the Shonen Jump Universe, will find out a nice fighting game.Please remember that this game is only in Japan, so you can buy it form Internet.