Jump Superstars is an incredible game, and most people should buy it, if you can get it over from Japan
Jump Superstars is a bit like super smash bros., because you kill people by knocking them off the stage after you’ve made a hole in a wall, but your character also has a health bar, so you can KO your opponents as well
It’s a very catchy game, so it makes you play it for hours on end, you basically play with decks and kill other computers or friends with them. There are about 15 decks you can unlock, and you can even make your own decks! You can store 3 made decks at a time. A letdown of the game is that all the text is in Japanese, so you’re going to have to get a mission translator, or you’re not going to have a clue what supposed to do in the missions. Apart from the language not being in English, I think this game is probably the best game I own, and it was the first game I bought for my DS, and I recommend this to anybody who likes super smash bros., which is a lot of you J