A jumper that cannot jump
This game uses a cel-shaded look for the game with the details so poor that it could pass for a better ps one video game. The sound is alright with lot's of errors but the music is uninteresting and it's there only as annoyance rather then to put a battle on a new level.
The game uses cut-scenes, featuring hand-drawn animation like a comic book. The main character is Griffin, and after the intro you are thrown into combat against dumb enemies armed with everything better then you. You have heavy and light atack, and if you though you can make some cool combos, think again. While you press those buttons Griffin short-teleports to your opponents and slashes them while teleporting around the opponent with each hit he delivers. Even if that sounds cool, that is about all you can do. In a three more minutes you gonna wish if they putted a normal fight.
You can jump over longer or short distances by holding down the R1 button and aiming a target over the desired location. If the ground glows in white, you can make the jump, but that is only a few meters away anyway. And you can jump through walls only if you see through them. Not very appealing eh?
You can unleash a special attack once a certain meter is full. Dealing successful damage in combat will fill a gauge, and when it's ready, Griffin will execute a slow motion devastating attack which is nothing special in a term of eye-candy.
Griffin can make a variety of stunts throughout the game but they are only appear like somekind of in-game cutscene, like when he leaps into a cop car and uses his jump ability to teleport himself and a car into the air, and then he crashes it along with a hovering helicopter. Cool, but I wish they made that you (the player) can do it with some button sequence or something.
And yes, you cannot jump in the air in this game, which is very add...
This is one of many bad attempts to make a good game out of movie. It fails more miserably then any other game I saw and played. I don't know how will it be on other consoles but stay away from this one.