Here we go, Fun fact for the day. Duh Duh Duh, Jump Man is Mario's original name, Its true, Mario or should I say JumpMan stared in Donkey Kong jr. which came out in 1981, after that is when they thought Mario sounded more catchy. knowing that now, don't you feel like you learned something new. Okay Jumpman, The object of this game is to defuse all the bombs on the Platform filled screen. Luckily you don't have to be an expert in bombs, all you have to do is touch them, easy enough right.The story goes a little something like this, These Bombs were placed on Jupiter by terriost, Dang Osama leave the galaxy alone, J/k. So they were placed to destroy the planet. It is your jobe to defuse the bombs and save the day on Jupiter before they explode. So this is how it is done, you run around, Climb Ladders, Jump Of course, and defuse the bombs. All the while you are being shot at with smart darts. There are 30 levels and 3 different levels of difficulty. So good luck saving the day. hopefully you will be able to experience this one. I know it makes me appriciate my New Platforms so much more!