Junk Jack is the best Minecraft clone on the Iphone- also better than Minecraft: Pocket Edition by Mojang.
Junk Jack really appealed to me. It looked freakin' awesome from the pictures and looked like a more polished version of Crafted- similar to Terraria. As soon as you get to the menu you get this really complex title. These little things catch my attention. Can PixBit beat Mojang at their own game?
Junk Jack`s artstyle is pretty cool. 8-bit like but has a fresh feel to it. There are many things to look at in this world, and the graphics are very nice to look at.
GRAPHICS: 8.5/10
Junk Jack has so many features that make the game interesting. With new enemies, treasure and crafting recipes, this will keep you playing. Some really cool features is the recipe drop. When cutting down trees, there is a 20% chance of a recipe dropping. This is a really cool feature- others are finding boxes full of random treasures, many cool furnature like sofas and chandeliers, every single piece of a tree falls down at once (timber mod in Minecraft (PC) ) and other cool features that PixBit decided to put in. Some of these were probably inspired from Minecraft. If you like Minecraft for the PC, and looking for a good clone of it on the Iphone, this is a easy grab for $3.00.
GAMEPLAY: 8.0/10
The audio in Junk Jack is charming with cool music and sound effects that are awesome.
AUDIO: 8.0/10
The controls in Junk Jack aren't bad, but have issues. Selecting items from the menu and placing objects in your crafting box is generally hard to due as the controls are painfull to use. However, place objects in the regular world and manuvering Jack is easy to do.
CONTROLS: 7.0/10
Lastly, the replay value in Junk Jack is incredible. With many new features that even the PC version of Minecraft doesn't have means that this is well worth your time.
OVERALL: 8.1/10