i got this game second hand. i bet they were clad to get rid of it, if only i had come here first.....

User Rating: 3.7 | Jurassic Park III: Ushinawareta Idenshi GBA
you can choise between a girl or a guy to be your character and your mission is to collect all the DNA that has fallen out of a plane just before its crash landing, you need to avoid rampaging dinosaurs and meet eaters that think your flesh looks pretty tasty. You start off with no weapons you need to pick these up as you go along but still there is only the shifty pistol and eclectic zapper and the odd bat of what looks like chicken.
after you have done a level you have to do like a DNA puzzle were you shot coloured balls to the right place while things are shoting at you, one hit and you have to start from agrin on the level you got the DNA from which could get for some a bit anoying.
If you get hurt to much and die on any level which doesn't take much you have to start all over again at the start of that level, no such thing as check points im afraid. I would save this game for a rainy day, but the novelty runs out pretty soon. don't let the name trick you, its nothing like the movie.