park building with dinos = GOOD

User Rating: 7 | Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis PS2
ok first the good:
so fun i am a dino fan and i also injoy games like zoo and city tycoon, this is probly one of the best JP games around. the bad:
the worst thing is you can run out of things to build like you only have so much amount of footpath and when you run out thats it, thats how big your park will be and because of that i dont want to play anymore as to me ive finshied it because your gests dont walk on the grass they need footpath so saddly this kinda thing brings down the score alot.

the plot:
you are the owner of a island that you need to build pens and food corts and invioments for your dinos, you need to keep your qests happy like the nerds, aniaml lovers, so on and so forth.... it has wounderfull grahics really and a pleasre to watch your dinos. it is alot like dino digs zoo tycoon but i would have to say the tycoon IS better. so in the end its really up to what your into. oh and in JB park builder you can play mini missions just for fun whch i found well, fun! you can take photos of dinos playing, eating each other or save a herd of grass eaters, or rescure the presadent from t-rex by hurling him up into your helicopter.

you must rent this game, its great for those rain days, i dont think you should buy it unless you get it cheap though.