The Best Game In The World.Just Go To Top 5.Go..............Jurassic Park.Thanks To Gamespot And VU Games.You Guys Cool.
And now, here we go with Operation Genesis. In the first time, I was a bit amused because all the previous JP games I've played are actions are adventures. Operation Genesis offered different experience, and also a closer approach to the connotation of the title. Blue Tongue has done great with all the development, I think. The animations of living organisms (dinosaurs, visitors, plants, and even insect passer-bies) are exquisite, colorful, and nice to be stared. And not only that, the environmental animations like water cripples are also pretty. However, flaws are unescapable. I can still remember the first time I put a T-Rex and a Spino together in an enclosure, and the physics for dino-fights are still feel, what to say, bizarre and unrealistic. It just appears that the dinos tackle each other, and then somebody fell, died. Well that's so extravagant. However, the physics for feeding dinosaurs (either with cattles, bales, or even visitors) and decaying dinosaurs are good and real.
The other thing I feel sorry for this game, is the selection of dinos. Where's the Pteranodons and Pleciosaurs? Aquatic and aerial dinos will surely make the game more fun and worthwhile.
Overall, this game will do well, but after unlocking all dinos and site B, players will easily get bored, because it's very likely to get all playing experience possible in one game, except, of course, the selection of dinos