Overall, this is a solid game for the SNES. It's fun the first time, but kind of gets lame the second time.
The main objective of the game is to collect all the eggs in the game. There is around 35-40 eggs in the whole game. There are also different things to do like turn on or turn off generators, open gates, etc.
I think this game is very well done for the time that it was made. If you kill dinosaurs, they will stay dead, not revive again. The graphics are solid, with no noticeable glitches. The main thing that disturbs me is that you cannot save your game. This game would be so much more pleasurable if you could just save your game every now and then. It takes about 4 hours to beat. The lack of save points lowers the replay value of this game drastically.
Overall, this is a solid game for the SNES. It's fun the first time, but kind of gets lame the second time. Although, if you play half an hour the first time, and half an hour the second time, you can do completely different things each time if you want to.