If you liked the first Just Cause, you will LOVE the second!

User Rating: 9 | Just Cause 2 PC
An action packed, shoot em up, open sandbox game. These types of games are rare, and few are very good. This game is one of those very good ones.

Pros: Fun gameplay (spiderman your way from tree to tree, ledge to ledge, mow down the military with machine guns, shotguns, or just your grappling hook to pull them off from guard towers). A large variety of vehicles to take control of (including Helicopters and JetPlanes). Great storyline. Fantastic Graphics.

Cons: There were only a few problems. Gameplay, especially when flying in the air, would be much more suitable with a gamepad, or a joystick/pad of some sort. Same with driving. Many missions may require you to take command of bases and towns (to earn reputation, money, chaos and unlock new weapons and vehicles), however getting to 100% control may be a little frustrating at times (you must collect all the upgrade/money crates, and destroy all infastructure in the base/town-SAM Site, Power Generators, Water Towers, Fuel Tanks).

Conclusion: This is a great game, much better if not the same as the first one. Bottom line, this game is FUN! You drive around, shoot up soldiers and structures, take down statues of the dictator-ous President, and grapple hook your way from place to place (Hey, it beats walking). This type of gameplay is rarely seen in other games (Such as
White Gold: War in Paradise or Boiling Point is another old classic-riddled with bugs however). This game is well worth the money, and will have great replay value in the future.