JUST CAUSE 2 - I'll use the phrase "Sandbox Mayhem" to briefly describe this game. It's a cross-breed.
The checkpoint, save, load system is still trying to figure out how it is supposed to work (so am I). But that is really the only weak point that can be complained about. The implementation of the Black Market dealer works as he provides weapon upgrades, vehicles and can also transport you across the map saving loads of time. The story is just enough to keep things interesting, but won't win any prizes for originality.
All-in-all, this game is a ton of fun and I have a smile on my face as soon as I see the main menu pop up on my LCD flat screen. Personally, I like to see the end of a game to get that ultimate feeling of accomplishment, but I'll just have to accept the fact that it won't happen with this game anytime soon.