It's a bird? It's a plane? No it's Rico!

User Rating: 9 | Just Cause 2 X360
Let me start with this: Funnest sandbox game ever!

Alright, now that it's done, let me first tell you that if you approach this game like any other 3rd person shooter, you'll find it hard and not really good at all. This is probably what all the other low reviewer did. If you find yourself always looking for ammo then you certainly don't use your grappling hook enough. One of my friend complained that he unloaded all his bullets on a chopper and it still wouldn't die but all you have to do is sling up to the chopper, kill the passenger, drop the pilot and there you have a flying, killing machine from hell and you only had to shoot 4-5 bullets.

Rico Rodriguez, the main character, is the best super-agent I've ever been able to control and he does feel like a super hero when he zips from a building to another then open a chute after dropping a couple of grenades and fly away towards the setting sun while everything explode under him. He is cliché but he gets the job done.

The missions are a bit repetitive but to me, that's not what it's all about. I've spent most of my time so far just flying around, destroying random stuff and just generally exploring. I'll say it again, this island is h-u-g-e and has so many things going on you could easily spend 40 hours just wandering around, collecting stuff and generally having a great time.

Basically, this is just pure, unadulterated fun without all the "go play pool with your cousin for the 400th time" or explicitly named drugs and prostitutes in the likes of GTA or Saints Row.

On a side note, the french audio is (slightly) better than the english one.

I dare you not to have a big stupid grin when you hijack a stealth fighter while dropping from a 30000 foot fall just to let it crash in an enormous gaz tank in an army base while starting your assault.