Just Cause 2 makes an Amazing return.

User Rating: 9.5 | Just Cause 2 PS3
The Good : Open world environment, great story , great game play, almost anything is possible

The Bad : Can get annoying in trying to cause chaos, no online

Just Cause 2 makes an amazing return in the series. The story is great and easy to understand, your grapple hook can do anything, throw cars off a bridge or tie two people together it depends on you, you can even hijack anything to cars to helicopters, though it can get annoying to cause chaos to unlock the next mission. The story is about your mentor which lost contact with the agency you work for, he either got captured or turns against you, you have to track him down and find out what's wrong. Your PDA can get you equipment, vehicles, and extract you to places, but it can only extract you to places you have already been to.The game is great and is a must buy for any action adventure game fan. Enjoy