I thought this game was great but I will tell you what many might not like about it.

User Rating: 8 | Just Cause 2 PS3
overall - 8.00
map size, and detail - 10.00 amazing graphics plus well developed huge map for a sandbox game.
story - 2.00 - there pretty much is no story except a bunch of mafia leaders telling you to blow up stuff and kill people.
game time - 9.00 - the main missions and the main game play will not take one more than 24 hours, however to get 100 it might take about 100+ hours.
graphics - 8.00 - the map, Rico, Planes, Landscapes, characters look amazing well, however the cars look like they were imported from an play station game, and the graphics of the crashing into a wall are terrible as they just bounce, however going down the cliff they are amazing as the car gets in a tumble.
music - 9.00 - gives you a feel of the paradise at the right moment and doesnt become annoying.

This game will be great for any temper issued people out there. I am one of them, and this game just does it for me. When I get angry I can just run around killing people and blowing up army bases to chill axe, and not hurt anyone in real life. However people that enjoy more of a story and realistic gameplay this game is not for you. The stunts pulled of in this game are just unrealistic. However I buy games to do things that I can't in real life such as become Rico the Mexican Spiderman, who can hop planes in mid air. The grapple thingy creeped me out at first and I thought it was lame, however over time I found that this game would be incredibly hard without it. Even though it is completely unrealistic it ads a lot of fun to the game. You have no idea how fun it is until you take a chopper lift a car and use it as a demolishing ball, or drag a government cop with a plane, and hear his screams. This game is just crazy and alive, and the voice acting is pretty funny. The accents make it that much more ludicrous and interesting. Not every game is for everyone, however if you like destruction and freedom you should definitely give this game a try.