Just Cause 2 is a great game for anyone who wants to blow something up.
User Rating: 9.5 | Just Cause 2 X360
Behold, the island of Panau. A place of very diverse environments. The snowy mountains and, blah, blah, blah. You get to blow stuff up. That is the main point of the game. Explosions. And if you ask me, this game has some of the best graphics of any game I have ever seen. You don't get a very wide variety of weapons and the prices are absurd. The open world is amazingly huge. This is great, but it takes forever to get anywhere. That's why you have your Black Market Dealer, though. He takes you to any previously visited location on the map. It helps a lot. The controls may be hard for newcomers to the xbox, but most people would be fine. What I love about Just Cause 2 is that you can be in the middle of a blizzard one minute, and the next thing you know, your in a rain forest. It is a very fun game.