A grand theft auto wanna-be that trys to offer a little more.
User Rating: 7.5 | Just Cause 2 X360
Its a bird, its a plane, no its "Scorpio" gliding through the air with his sweet grapeling hook. Just Cause 2 try's to give you the freedom of an open world, with intense gun and combat violence, and a sweet variety of vehicles (cars,trucks,planes,helicopters,ATV's,dirt bikes,etc) Just Cause 2 is a good game and it has a lot to offer hardcore gamers but, i feel like theres something missing with this one. Although there is hundreds of missions only the main missions have unique cut scenes, other missions have the same cut scenes over and over again. Person pulls up in a truck tells you what to do, throws a box of ammunition at you and leaves. After seeing this a hundred times i got very annoyed with it. It felt like i was doing the same mission over and over again. But, don't get me wrong i had some fun with Just Cause 2, you can say that the game has "close to a destructible environment" you can destroy mostly everything but buildings. The game has a massively beautiful environment from deserts sands to cold mountain tops. It takes about 45 minutes to fly from one end of the map from the other, the game is huge.
Usually in a shooter a gun is your best friend, but in Just Cause 2 your best friend is you grappling hook you can use this for anything such as gliding across the map or just killing enemies. It is a little far-fetched but its defiantly a cool and unique idea.
Just Cause 2 is a good game and it deserves a play through. i give it a 7.5 out of 10 which is is swell.