User Rating: 10 | Just Cause 2 PS3
This game is an RPG game, that means that you can go whereever you want, whenever you want. there are about 50 missions or more! there are alos challenges, there like minigames. there are about 20 weapons and 2 types of explosives, "grenades" & "c4".......IT IS A BIG CITY AND YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! you also have this weapon called the grappling hook, when you aim and shoot it it takes you to that spot, its just like less walking.there are alot of enemys that chase you when you do something wrong, like jeeps,motorcycles,helicopters,boats, or they can just run to you. if you go ontop of a building and you jump of there is a parachute on your back ( you have infinate parachutes ) but if for some reason you DONT use the parachute...... you die. you can upgrade your weapons and vehicles...i forgot to mension that you can call a blackmarket. when you buy something it drops it infront of you. in the blackmarket you can upgrade for weapons the firepower,capacity,reload,speed. and for vehicles the speed,firepower ( some vehicles have guns ) ........BUY THE GAME TO KNOW MORE!!!!!!!:)