Yeah yeah cons cons cons, let's talk about the pros? yes?
User Rating: 8.5 | Just Cause 2 PC
All I ever hear about this game is it's terrible voice acting. Yep, they're all right. the Voice Acting is crap in this game, so are the cut-scenes, and the storyline. But, were forgetting the huge picture here. The awesome gameplay! Holy CRAP! This game brings endless amounts of sheer fun. Explore the Cities and villages of Panau or take to the skies after stealing the biggest cargo plane you've ever seen, or maybe a one seat mini Jet that goes across the vast map in just a few minutes. Yes this game is absolutely huge. And what do you do? You blow stuff up, Just Cause. You shoot down the enemy population..why? Just Cause. There isn't really a point to all the mayhem you can cause but It sure as hell is fun I must say. Choose from your large array of weapons, bombs, vehicles and Jets / Planes all over the place. And if you don't have enough money to buy a plane or a vehicle? Who says you can't barge into the Airport and steal one, or stop someone on the streets and "remove them" from the car. Yes it does seem a little like a Grand Theft Auto wana be, but trust me here. This game is brilliant which crisp graphics and an awesome gameplay. Do whatever you want, whenever you want and don't ever worry about the consequences.
This game, to me is very Under-appreciated. All you have to do is ignore the ugly storyline and voice acting and you found yourself the perfect Seek and Destroy game. Which is why I game this game, an 8.5 / 10 Cya guys