Fun Game And nice Graphics
User Rating: 8.1 | Just Cause X360
Its a nice game game just to pick and start having a blast. Its not seriouse but its fun at the same time. The Graphics are brillient best ive seen so far with no loading times apart from when you load up from a saved game thats the only loading time you get. The AI IS some what frustrating where the police (enemy) just sticks to you like glew when they are attacking you and that can be very frustrating when driving. But apart from the enemy AI driving i like the game i like the aiming feature to it although it can get easy at times. Since ive got it ive done a lot of just flying around in the helicopters i love just flying around. Ive done missions but mostly ive done the "free roaming" so after the missions this has replay value for just going about the islands and just messing around.