No offense to some of the reviewers here, but they didn't even finish the game. Just Cause is great fun

User Rating: 8.4 | Just Cause X360
Just Cause turned out to be my longest rented game ever. I received this game from GameFly and couldn't put it down. Graphics: What can I say? The graphics are absolutely beautiful. Everything is so detailed, especially walking through jungles. The clouds, lighting, water and almost everything in the game are amazing. This is one of the game's biggest strengths.

Gameplay: Very easy to master, almost too easy. You can press RS to aim better, however the character auto-aims anyway so there's no use for it. Gameplay is made easier by displaying different actions available on the left side of the screen and the corresponding button to push. The stunts are fantastic... and the most fun in the game. You can literally cross the entire continent without ever driving or flying. Sound: The sound isn't revolutionary but it does it's job.