Just 'Cause may not be the most realistic or smooth game, but it can be as enjoyable as you want it to be.
I was immediately disappointed when I found out it was an auto-aim system. Which makes fighting about as hard as pressing the shoot button. It's all most impossible to die as long as you give at least a squirt of effort. The game gives you access to a 'over the shoulder' aiming view, but it proves to be highly impractical and slow during a fire fight.
The game follows the GTA formula similar to a lot of other games recently. You have access to a large and quite beautiful world. Most of the environment is large thick rain forests and beaches. Through-out the numerous towns you have access to Safehosues. These are small little areas that provide a save point, access to ammunition and weapons, and a garage to store a vehicle. You can access missions by finding them on your map. The game gives you a reasonably wide range of missions, but it all seems to feel the same.
A large feature of the game is the stunt system. From any vehicle or position you can usually perform a stunt. From inside a car, you can jump onto the top, and from there you can jump up in the air and access your parachute. You can grapple on to a plane in the middle of the air (Which is possible by the very crafty handy dandy grapple gun in which you'll have access to soon in the game) , grab onto it's wing, and jump into the pilots seat. None of this really makes and sense, but it can be incredibly fun. If you're willing to be creative. You could call it stupid, or silly. Or you could reach over to the side of you that's always wanted to be like James Bond.
There are many different aspects of the game, Heavy drops, which allow a certain vehicle to be airdropped to your position for aid, being able to liberate certain sections and towns by fighting through authorities and police, and much more. Often you need to make your own fun, to make the game what it really is.
You might not like this game, you might love it. It's really up to you. I would recommend renting it first, but if jumping from a plane onto a speed boat to run it off a cliff, access your parachute and rip into a bunch of cops with a shotgun sounds fun to you...
Why not?
-Arman Sayedi