Definitely not worth a sequel but apparently the creators think so. I'm not going to waste my time checking JC2

User Rating: 2.5 | Just Cause X360
First of all, I found the driving portion of the game was terrible. If you have ever driven something in any other game it gives more of a driving feel instead of this loose feeling, slide everywhere style. Second, it just wasn't led up to how awesome it looked on the previews/teasers. Of course they want you to think that but it was very misleading and I highly regret ever playing it. Third, the story didn't feel well planned. It felt like they took a typical, cliche story and made a game around it. Fourth, graphics.... they just were not my cup of tea. I know, this was one of the early games for the 360 but I thought they could have done a whole lot better. There was one thing I did like about it though and that was car surfing then jumping off a 400 foot cliff. That was probably the only thing fun about this game. I could say I have easily spent most of my time just jumping off cliffs and cars just to watch the fall for 10-20 seconds. Overall I would say to not play Just Cause; just cause I said so. :P