This was ok but at sometimes it was just plain dumb and boring.

User Rating: 4.5 | Just Cause PS2
Thank goodness I just borrowed this game from a friend and didn't buy it or even spend money on it renting it. Your an angent that goes to an island to save it from the governor and try to bring the governor down. You join two factions and try to take down the governor from his spot of power. One reason this game is bad is because graphics can matter in a game. The graphics are just horrible and your character runs around looking like he has to go to the bathroom. The gameplay isn't good either pretty much just running around shooting at enemys and driving away in vehicles. One thing that makes this an ok game like I said is that you can dive out of planes and freefall in the air and then pull out a parachute. What pretty much sums it up is this is a grand theft auto wannabe game. If you like games like this then go ahead and get it but I wouldn't waste my time with this game.