Just Dance 2014 Review

User Rating: 7 | Just Dance 2014 X360
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Just Dance 2014 will get you off the couch and onto the dance floor. If your dance moves fall in between novice and professional, this is the game for you. As with all the other Just Dance Games, this game rewards you for your ability to mirror the on-screen dancer. You can play it alone or have a party join in. Even though the new multiplayer mode does not allow for you to invite specific friends into a game, you will be playing with and against people from around the world.

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You begin by picking the song you want to dance to on the menu screen. This can be a bit tricky, due to the wonkiness of the Kinect controls. The menu would scroll over too fast and a dance mode I didn’t want would be selected before I could read what I picked. I had to plug in the controller a couple times to avoid making an incorrect selection. It was a bit annoying, but dancing the song always made me feel better.

Just Dance 2014 lets you jam out to a large array of popular songs. From Lady Gaga to the Village People, it has you covered. The songs are all catchy and great to dance to. Even though I had no one to play the “party songs” where more than one dancer appear on the screen, I still had a great time. A new karaoke feature allows you to gain more points for singing along to the songs. This sounds easy, but honestly far from it. Even though, I knew the words to most of the songs, I had a hard time doing more than one thing at once. I loved the challenge and plan getting better scores by singing and dancing to as many songs as I can.

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The dancing itself was really fun. The dancers on screen that you mimic are in cheesy bright costumes, but it works. The silliness helps you loosen up and genuinely enjoy the game. My favorite new addition to the game is World Dance Floor. You have the ability to dance with people around the world! Oh and don’t worry, they can’t see you dance. You only see points on the screen and nothing else. On my first try, I made it to the top 10%! Yes. I am very proud and currently doing a victory dance.

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Overall, I enjoyed playing Just Dance 2014, but felt it was more of a party game and did not get the full experience. The World Dancer feature really puts this game above the rest and encourages you to get out of your shell and dance with people you have never met. This game will be at the top of my list for my next together because face it who doesn’t want to see their friends be silly and act like fools.