A lot better than Xmen legends

User Rating: 8.9 | Justice League Heroes PS2
when i first got this game i wasn't sure what to expect. it looked exaxctly like xmen legends but with differnent chracters. However as soon as i put it in my ps2 my veiws on it totally changed. Firstly the graphics on it are quite good especially in the cutscenes. All the charcters look how they should and the voice acting is superb. secondly the gameplay on this is alot more enjoyable than Xmen because of the better characters. its only downside is Xmen lets you use four instead of two. this game is alot better with a friend too. my favourite characters were the flash and zatanna. Zatanna was the best character on the game because of her fireball attack which uses hardly any energy, heal and transform. the story was quite good but lacks the depth of other RPGs. i havent yet played Ultimate Alliance but i dont think it will be as good as this. a must buy