There are very few games that can inspire hatred and discontent in very close friends. Kaboom! is one of them! I know you're probably thinking "what the hell is this guy talking about?" but consider invite a few friends over, you're watching tv, when suddenly one of them sees your old school atari 2600 sitting there and you decide to push in the block that is Kaboom! 30 seconds later, your friend is **** and laughing at the same time about the lack of control he gets from the paddle controller. You laugh and bang out 1000 points like it's cool. He gets frustrated, scores 250 and cries, then tries again....159....then again...300....then again....239....and so on and so on. Needless to say, you're laughing your politically incorrect arse off and he's red faced and mad as hell! Before long, he commits to defeting your score, and making you his man lady before the week is out. THAT is the glory and shame that is Kaboom! my friends! I love this game. I love punishing people that play Halo 2 all day with it's perfect controls and excellent handling...blah blah blah! THIS is the equalizer. Give it a shot, and you'll be hooked. Just remember to get practice BEFORE you invite everyone over to play. Because you WILL suck too!
"Back-in-the-day", if you wanted a truly great gaming experience, you need only look as far as practically any Activision title and you could be certain that your money [and time] would be well spent. This little ditt... Read Full Review
this is the most frantic game for the 2600!. a terrorist ('mad bomber') sits quite neatly at the top of the screen, and slides bombs toward you, as if you're some kind of customer, ordering them and putting them in y... Read Full Review