I have absolutely nothing to say that would be a positive aspect of this game. It is essentially a fighting game, where the battles are ridiculously stupid. After beating this game in about an hour, I started to question myself in the knowledge of Japanese culture. "Do they have some sort of history with the Kabuki Warrior that I am not aware of? Was there a historical context that I missed?" The answer soon came to me -- it doesn't matter. Whether there is a historical context to the Kabuki Warriors or not, every aspect of this game is bad, from gameplay, all they way through the Art on the front cover. This is my guess at what happened. Some slouch in his garage stumbled across a video game programming book and whipped this up as an undergraduate project in his garage. It was then never added on to, just sold as is to add titles to a once limited XBOX game arsenal. Don't buy it. In fact, if you see a copy, spit on it.
What do I even really have to sasy about it?The graphics suck there deformed in ever way possible and look like a bunch of crap,the gameplay sucks so much you wont even wanna play video games for a while,the sound sounds... Read Full Review
Very recently I have become tired with the latest generation's overhyped games and their glaring imperfections. The Halos, Gears of Wars, and Soul Caliburs of our time have lost sight of what it truly means to be a game... Read Full Review