Beautiful!!! A must have for the 360. This game is just great and is my favorite game out on the 360 as of now.

User Rating: 9.7 | Kameo: Elements of Power X360
Everyone needs to play this game. This game really does grow on you. Kameo has a great story and gets a little challenging too on some parts. The gameplay is really great along with the graphics. I haven't seen any problems with it at all. There are 10 different varieties of elemental spirits that you can use to just bash and kill all those evil trolls with. My favorite is spraying oil over all of your enemies and then just toasting them up with the dragon. There are so many other things to do inside the game and by searching around and opening up areas you can find alternate skins for you elemental spirits. This is a great game all around and it is one of the cheaper ones for the 360. Pick this one up.