A great adventure game for the 360. Rare pulls off another great game.
The gameplay is very basic. You basically have to travel through different temples and you have to save Kameo's different family members. On the way through these temples you can aquire different forms to Kameo. Kameo has the power to turn into different monsters. Each one has special abillities to help Kameo on her journey.
This game has amazing graphics. Every little area is detailed and it really looks like a next-gen game. The sound is o.k. it also reminded me of the N64 Rare games. Now the only complaint I have with this game is: it is way to short. Thats why I gave the value a 7. You could probably finish this game within 10-15 hours. But it is definitely worth your buck. The price did drop its only $30 i think. Plus besides the main game there is Co-Op mode and Xbox Live so it is must buy in my book.