Fantastic Visuals, Huge Landscapes, and Decent Musical Score. KAMEO is a lot better than I thought it would be.
KAMEO's Visuals are jaw dropping gorgeous, and I'm not even playing this on a HDTV. Everything looks stunning, including the explosions and every little detail of the landscape. And the Characters are all so very unique, and in fact reminded me of the characters from the JIM HENSON film "The Dark Crystal"
(Obscure old movie reference)
KAMEO is also one of those games where you don't need to be a brain surgeon to figure out how to handle some "Boss Battles." If you fail a few times, the "Whatnot Book" will offer advice on how to get through an area.
One of the elements that I really liked, is the re-playability factor. As you acquire NEW ELEMENTS of POWER, you'll remember areas in previous levels that could have used one of those POWERS to reach a previously un-obtainable prize or accomplishment. In fact, as you add ELEMENTS, you'll realize that you could have finished a PREVIOUS LEVEL much quicker, and thus earned you a higher ranking (i.e. Achievements)
In all, KAMEO isn't as "Kiddie" as I thought it would be, and was actually quite fun for a Father of 3.