Screen rate bothers my eyes and it is a little repetitive...but still fun.
All-in All this was a good fist game for the system (Its been on my shelf for a few years now, so it was about time I got to it!)
Although I have seen much better graphics, for a game released in 2005, this does show off the texturing or items...such as Ice, Hot lava,ect. It is nicely done and for that I would give it an 8.0 in the graphics dept.
The sounds is very good and the voices are done well..I give that an 8.0 as well.
Gameplay and story are a little short on content...typical story line or Family captured and Kameo hasto rescue them . I would give that a 6.0
I think that this is a game and proof of concept for a new gaming system. I would say that due to the age of the game and the content, I give it a 7.0