Nice graphics, and thats about it for me.

User Rating: 5.8 | Kameo: Elements of Power X360
I really liked how Kameo took a cartoony game and made it detailed, it looked really nice. However, I played the game for only about an hour and a half before I ran back to EB and traded it in. Maybe it's just me, but if I wanted to roll into a ball, charge up and spin up walls and into enemies, I'd bust out with a Sega Genesis and play Sonic 3.

The fact that you are thrown into the mix right away might work with some people, but for me it left me confused. I wasn't sure which character to use when. Don't we usually get an introduction to your abilities before your cut loose in a giant level of platform jumping and shape shifting?

I don't blame the game entirely, though. It's a matter of preference. If you like platform games, you'll probably enjoy it! I, myself was looking for something to whet my tastebuds while waiting for Oblivion to come out...not even close.