Kameo, another great game by Rare.

User Rating: 9.3 | Kameo: Elements of Power X360
Kameo is by far the best Adventure game I have ever played, the story is great, though it didn't get me hooked, It was the gameplay and the graphics that kept me goin.
Grapics 10/10
Kameo has the best graphics I have ever seen in a video game. when I got to the first forest area I had to stop and just admire the amazing graphics, It blew me away when I saw the way the grass reacted to me running through it, or the way the water rippled when I swam through.
Gameplay 9/10
The gameplay was great, it handle very smoothly, but at sometimes it wasnt as responsive as I would have liked it, especially when being Kameo. When in a warrior form I had no problems at all. The problem with Kameo is minor, it doesn't even really effect it.
Sound 10/10
The sound was great, very good quality, thats all I really need to say about it.
Over all Kameo is an amazing game, and if I were you I wouldn't waist anytime running out and buying it.