Having purchased my new 360 I was eager to find a game I could play. I hate FPS and there were no RPG's available. Someone told me this game was a lot like Zelda, boy were they wrong. This is just a very beautiful platformer and if platform games is your joy then I guess this game is for you. I found the game very repetative but as I have said this genre is not my cup of tea. Lets hope the XBox people will push a couple of good RPG's out soon for us old timers and please some RPG's that are turn based. Please!!!!!!!1
Other Helpful Reviews for Kameo: Elements of Power
When talking about Kameo it appears a reviewer must mention the following: how much Microsoft paid for Rare ($375 million), how often their games are delayed (this was first revealed on the GameCube in May 2001 before be... Read Full Review
As being the very first Xbox 360 game to ever be released. "Kameo: Elements of Power" shows its worthyness of that title. Combining amazing graphics and sound, with an equally amazing since of creativity. "... Read Full Review