Kameo prooves that RARE still has some of its N64 greatness
The Gameplay in Kameo is very deep, the face buttons are used to change between your elemental warriors. The Trigger buttons are used to attack, mostly in the game you alternately hit these 2 buttons. There is overall a lot of different styles of fighting, from Pummleweed's boxing, to Chilla's frost attacks. There is overall 10 different styles of fighting/gameplay that can be applied into the game.
The sound is ok, its got its moments with the band is all I'll say. Most of the music you will find in this game is from very old times, like orchestra and stuff. Most of the songs will remind you of mythology or something of that nature. The attacks all sound like punch attacks accept for a few, which is a little dull to the sound effects.
Graphics are highly underrated and underappreciated. I will say Kameo has some of the best graphics the XBOX 360 has seen so far ( 6/15/06 ), and some points of the game there is literally over 9,000 characters on the screen, all controlled individually by A.I. . Along with the 9,000 trolls and elves there is birds in the sky and a lot of lighting effects everywhere. The wall textures in this game are very detailed. Also this game offers some of the best lighting effects thus far on the XBOX 360.
The replay value is ok, the game itself is rather short. There is quite a few achievements too this game ( 20 ), some of which are easy too get, and some of which are hard too get. When you complete the game you can do extra too the game, such as collect spiritual fruit, Get perfect rankings on the levels, or just have fun and play it again. Also there is stuff to unlock besides gamerpoints in Kameo, such as concept art, designer videos, costumes, and other cool stuff.
Kameo Elements of Power was delayed quite sometime, its original debut was supposed to be around the end of the 64, for the N64. It got delayed and was set for the Gamecube launch, than it was moved to the XBOX, than finally the XBOX 360. Kameo is a great platformer/adventure for the XBOX 360, and had to live up to a lot of hype. Kameo is underrated because it had too live up too all of RARE's phenemonal N64 platformers, IMO it came close but a little off.