Cute game.

User Rating: 8 | Kameo: Elements of Power X360
this is a really good and fun game to explore, little to short but its ok.
the graphics are stunning, and the controls are great.

reminds me of the classic game "wonder boy 3 the dragons trap"
how you can change character to enter different areas.
but kameo is nothing near as good as wonder boy.

in kameo, the beginning is not so good. it ruins the fun of wanting to se what creature you can be next, when you already played them in the beginning..

doing exact the same thing over and over and over, its no fun at all..
you know what to do to unlock the next creature. YES , defeat the black troll thing, then in the next level, its another exact the same troll again ,, why isnt there any other bosses?? how fun is that.?

the whole thing with excitement playing a game is the bosses..
its a big important part of the game..

it could be so much more