A very hit and miss title that doesn't really try to do anything its just more of the same really.

User Rating: 6 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days X360
Kane and lynch dead men was a tactical 3rd person shooter in a small regard as you could actually command your AI partners to other locations etc. The sequel dog days not only throws this out the window but never even mentions its predecessor apart from a brief line of dialogue during a mission.

Now the game itself is not necesarily bad its just dull in most ways the gameplay literally consists of corridor shooting in random grey environments in Shanghai. They are detailed mind you but they are still rather boring in that regard. The game does seem to make the effort in varying what grey corridor you fight in next but its all the same really gameplay wise, hide behind cover and shoot the dudes without dying. Its that simple. The graphics are fine and quite detailed in places but grey in the others the game does its job there, its just a shame its presented as if a teenager were filming it on his iPhone because the image quality is deliberately bad which I am not sure if they are meant to be proud of or not because they damn well succeeded making it look bad.

The story itself is actually uninspired compared to the original, it was the story of a flawed man trying to gain the respect of his daughter and deal with some enemies from his past who are going to kill him at some point anyway.

Dog days however is a case of you accidentally kill the daughter of the most powerful man in the city and you go on the run killing everybody in your way......so its more of a rampage really not an escape. But your always running to somewhere in this game so you do get the feeling of trying to get somewhere it just never really comes.

The game itself is playable especially if your turn the shaky camera off in the options menu which many people failed to do it seems. Gameplay wise its another third person corridor shooter at least in the main story anyway. The cover system seems to decide when it wants to work which is usually never!

There are alot of weapons to use in the game but sadly most of them handle the same and alot of the earlier weapons take quite alot of shots to actually kill somebody thats right a normal pistol takes several shots to the chest to actually take an enemy out. And the shotguns are more accurate than the submachine guns which surprised me they are like sniper rifles compared but at least they don't pull the crap most games try by making shotguns only be accurate at 5metres at most! So thats a point in its favor from me.

The story itself is a letdown but if you ever just want to kill stuff for no real reason then this games storymode will definantly satisfy your need to kill things.

No it seems this is another game where the multiplayer is where it truly shines because its not the gameplay that makes it fun but the actual situation you find yourself in when your mixed with a bunch of randoms online who are just as insane as you are if not worse. And your stuck planning out whether your going to be professional and carry out the heist or go nuts on your team mates and teabag what remains of them!

Multiplayer is divided into 3 modes. Fragile alliance which is a team of mercs rob a bank or a truck etc and have to escape with as much loot as possible but you are never truly working together. If you escape together you share the swag. But if somebody goes for the role of the betrayer way they will keep all their money if they escape so watch out for your allies as they may have their cross-hairs pointed right at your skull. If you die though the oppurtunity for revenge is around as you can come back as the a police SWAT team member who are trying to stop you anyway and getting the guy who killed you back brings such feelings of joy that you think you may need to see a doctor. Thankfully there is alot of reward for being loyal or being the scumbag so games are often different which is very good if you actually survived a round of the insanity!

The next mode is undercover cop which is the same mode again but one of you is selected at random to be the cop and this causes such paranoia that its not even funny because you know there is always a betrayer and he will come for you because he has no other choice, its actually rather fun and nerve racking which is quite an achievement for this game if you ask me.

The final multiplayer mode is cops and robbers a basic team deathmatch scenario the robbers have to rob everything from the heist and the cops need to gun them down, its probably the most dull mode but its a nice basic match thrown in for people who don't want to suspect their allies of planning to murder them every 2seconds.

Also there is arcade mode which is literally fragile alliance but with bots, its good practise and there are some achievements for it which are good to go for. The main point though is to get the best score on the leaderboards which is harder than it sounds so its a good challenge to go for.........if you care enough.

In conclusion Kane and Lynch 2 dog days isn't a bad game its just uninspired with the odd good idea mixed into the multiplayer, the first game at least made an effort and had a good story that actually drew emotion from the player if they weren't insane. This games only emotion is triggered when you are carrying $2million in multiplayer and your scared that your team mates want a bigger slice of the swag pie you just stole.