Same as last time...

User Rating: 6.5 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days PS3
A good rental... Fun but too many plot holes and "what the hell is going on" moments... Id wait for Max Payne 3... Kane and Lynch Dead Men had a lot of potential but never lived up to the hype. Same has occurred with Dog Days but it was presented better overall than Dead Men. Had Dead Men been what Dog Days was I think Dead Men would of been an 8 instead of a 6.5... Plenty of action, boring story, repetitive at times, but the gun sounds and play is pretty solid. The guns sound visceral and pack a mean punch which adds fun to firefights but in the end just gets too drawn out... Wouldnt even bother with multiplayer since I don't think too many people will bother playing it. In my honest opinion the Kane and Lynch series should just be put to rest and IO should start over or make another Hitman. After several years of development and all you can come up with is deadly sounding guns and gun fights with a gritty shaky presentation then it should be time to head to the drawing boards. I rate the game as this...
6- Fun factor (guns add a epic cinematic sense to firefights)
4- Story (short, boring, and too man holes)
5-multiplayer (didn't even bother trying it... the singleplayer didn't show my anything so why bother)