Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is short, but it is the most improved sequel in a long time that as come out.
Dog Days
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: lo-Interactive & Eidos Montreal
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Mature
Released: August 17, 2010
The visuals for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days are and let me get straight to the point and they are very much improved since Dead Men and the detail to both character's Kane & Lynch are improved very nicely since dead men and the detail to all the local's in Shanghai and for this visually improved game has a nice glossy look to it with a little grind-house feel to it and was rather nice and went with this game rather well. So the detail to the character's are just great and even though the detail to them were rather great but not as great as this game's detail to them and that burned scare that is on Kane's face is still their and more noticeable and Lynch's detail is the same but with more style to is detail. The detail to Shanghai is rather nice to look at from the cars to the building's and even when you are in the streets of shanghai and the detail is just great to look at. So in short the visuals to the main character's Kane & Lynch and even the (NPC's) were also in great detail and with the great detail to Shanghai and everything about the new art style direction was just vastly improved and is great for the series visually.
The audio for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days was great in the first game but it's even better here from the voice work and soundtrack and even the sound to weapon's were better in this game then the first one. So with the voice work is great in this game as it was in the first installment in the series and I believe they got the same two voice actor's from the last game to do the voice work in this one and the voice work for the ( NPC ) we're also great but not as great as the the one's doing the voice work for Kane & Lynch and the overall voice work overall was still as great as it was in the first game. The soundtrack/musical score for this game was just as great or it may have been better than the first game and I was kind of surprised with that but that is just my opinion of the soundtrack and musical score was just simply put great. Now the sounds of the weapons were much better in this game then they were in the first installment of the series like for example most of the assault rifle's sounded really cool to fire like the AK-47 and the one that had a silencer on it sorry I forgot the name of that gun but it still sounded really good and actually sounded like I was firing a silenced gun and I like that and for the sound's of all the weapon's in this game had a superb sound's to them which was nice to here. So in short for the audio for this game and it is just great and a bit of a improvement from the last game.
Single player:
Now the single player for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days has been really improved from the last game and the one thing that really stands out is the fact that the cover system really works this time in this installment and another thing that was great in this game and done pretty well was that you cover break's apart so you can't stay behind the cover for to long and the other thing that fixed but still their was some problem's with the power behind most of the weapon's and not all the weapon's had a nice punch to it and some cases it would take quite a lot of bullet's before they killed some one and some of the guns did pack great punch like that silenced Assault rifle and the sniper rifle the both pack a huge punch killed the bad guy's with ease and and this was a bit of a pain in some cases in this game cause some of these gun's were hard to find so you can refill that weapon's ammo so that was bit of a bummer and one last thing about this part is I personally wished that they had improved on the stealth element a bit from the last game more rather then scrapping it altogether cause it would have been nice to silently take out some bad guys in some areas instead of always being non-stop action game it would have been a nice to see cause of the last game where there was a point in the last game where their was a stealth element but it kind of was not done great at all. Now I talk about some of the story and I'll try to not put in spoiler's, so in this installment of the series you play as Lynch for most part of the game and it's been about 3 or 4 year's since Kane & Lynch have seen or talked to one another since the event's of the Dead Men and here in Dog Days Lynch has enjoyed is time in Shanghai as a hired gun and so he get's Kane to to come out to join him in Shanghai a job that needs his smarts and when he get's their Lynch take's Kane with him to do a simple pick up and everything goes wrong from there both Lynch & Kane are now being hunted down for a terrible thing they did, so I leave it that and their is one part in this that I found a little disturbing and you know what it was not the over use of harsh language, you will just have play this game for you self see what I'm talking about. You can play local and on-line co-op in the game which can make this game a lot more fun to play with one of your friends. So with a great but short campaign and you can play this in co-op make's the the single player much improved from the last game and it is pretty fun.
So the Multiplayer for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days consists of the aways popular mode Fragile Alliance where it pits you and about seven other's to work together to perform a robbery or betray your team mate's so you can take their loot and there are two new mode's for this game the first one is Undercover cop where it is the same as Fragile Alliance but the game mode will give you a goal to stop the robbery from happening and the last new mode is Cops and Robber's which I believe is sort of like a team death-match sort of I never got to play this mode because the emphasis on what I said about Fragile Alliance being popular that is what everybody play's in this game and so the community for this game is still pretty popular and most of them are basically fans of this game and the series. So in short for the on-line for this game is the community for this game is not that big but it will not take you long to find a few match's or more to play in weather it's ranked or non-ranked match's and so the on-line is fun.
So the overall for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a very improved sequel and is a much better experience than the last game in the series which was Dead Men, so with that said you have an improved visuals, a much better audio and you have a very improved single player campaign where you play it in co-op with a friend locally or on-line and the very fun on-line experience and their is a new mode that I forgot to mention in the gameplay part but it is still worth mentioning here and that is there is a arcade mode that you can play out a Fragile Alliance mode by your self or I think you can play this with some people on-line, but still this a great feature to play once you are finished with the campaign and in this feature you can choose any map you want to play on and do a robbery and then escape with the loot and each round you go through it will get harder as you progress through and this mode kind of remind's me of Gears horde mode and other game's that have this mode that have this feature but it is fun as well. So in short for the overall for this game is this and it is fun ride while it last's and it the most improved sequel that as come out in a long time so it good game.
8.0 out of 10