Really good game, innovative and fittingly violent.
But K&L is completely original.
A former merc on death row, who ends up in the hands of his old mates, that now wants to kill him when he has retrieved something he stole from them.
That's Kane.
The phyco Lynch is just wicked.
It's awesome when he just freak out on everyone with a shotgun!
Love the storyline.
Really, really good story and some quite interesting characters.
Nice snapping someone neck inside a really crowded bar and suddenly everyone's shooting at you, maybe not clever, but most certainly fun!
Bought it petty cheap and thinks it's worth to buy.
If you like Hitman this is really nice.
And if you just likes to kill A LOT of people, then buy it!
And you know what the best part is?
It's Danes who made it.
I'm so proud.
Danmark styrer, i andre slikker hinanden i nummeren!!
Yeah! xD