Worth a try!
You will either fall in love, or hate this game, i really don't think there's any in between.
I wasn't gonna bother with it, until i saw it on ebay for £7, and its well worth buying at that price.
The story is ok, but boils down to your basic revenge plot, that is obviously leading into a follow up. Its entertaining while it lasts, which is better than most plots these days.
Most games are judged by how they look - graphically. This, sadly is one area where K&L is laking, that's not to say it looks worse than Bill Clinton in a dress, its just no Gears of War. But at least there's plenty of variety in the levels, though they are on the short side.
The sound on the other hand, is really good. With possibly some of the best voice acting in any game, even with the "F" word used - lots. At least it fits in with the characters - hard arsed cons.
Game-play wise, is a bit hit-n-miss. There are some really neat ideas throughout, and most are done to great effect, and others are, well - awful. Take the cover mechanic as a perfect example. Your meant to snap to cover whenever your close enough, but this is so erratic, and never works when you want it to - the game, simply needs a button press! Also, some of the AI is really bad, as your team-mates will run out into danger and not do as their told.
Overall, Kane & Lynch is enjoyable, and worth playing. Even better if you can pick it up for a barging price on ebay. Its got problems, and with just a little more time in development, it could have really been great.