Plain and simply put Kane and Lynch Dead Men is a good overall game. Its a lot of fun to play. I'm currently at chapter 5: The Night Club. Its a frustrating part, but still a good challenge. This game is definitely a great challenge. Its one of the hardest games that I have ever played. Its worth a rental, but not worth paying full price. I might pick it up when the price drops a lot. My biggest complaint is that it is too hard. Also the aiming sight on the screen is way to small. It should be as big as it is in Left 4 Dead. The game play in this game is very good and as I said a lot of fun. The game play is fast paced and action packed. Playing as a criminal and letting out your evil side is a blast, as in shooting bystanders and hostages. The graphics are very good aswell. Everything looks pretty real. The sound effects are great in this game. The overall sound is great too. The value and replay value is not good however. Its just mediocre. Once you play through the campaigne you most likely won't want to play through it again. The tilt/controlls are great in this game. Its easy to controll your character. The story is quite good and it keeps you interested at all times. It makes the game move along nicely. The combat in this game is very good and it makes the game much better. I give 7.5 out of 10 for the game play. Very good game play. 7.5 out of 10 for the graphics. 8 out of 10 for the sound. The sound effects are great, the music is good, and the voice acting is great. The value and replay value I give 5 out of 10. 8 out of 10 for the Tilt. The controlls handle quite nicely. 7 out of 10 for the story. Good story. 7.5 out of 10 for the combat. Very good combat. Overall I give this good game a 7 out of 10.
Every year, publishers waste millions of dollars on crappy games that no-one wants to play. These games sometimes end up going ridiculously over-budget because the games' producers all believe they are making the next Ha... Read Full Review
Not because you're playing the game though... Now I'm supposed to write something constructive to fill up the 100 word criteria, but I guess there's not much else to say. Except maybe something my grandma always use... Read Full Review