"... an epic crime drama offering volatile single and CO-OP play ..." Really?
I primarily and strongly favor FPS, but I'll adjust to a third person shooter for a good co-op play, so now there is really no reason for me to even play this game.
However, many people who like third person shooters and don't care about co-op will find this game OK. The story is not very good considering that the "heroes" (main characters) don't have any redeeming qualities whatsoever (pretty much two sick bastards running around and shooting people) and the gameplay, while not spectacular, is decent. Graphics at the highest quality settings are not that great (compared to many newer games) and ambient sound is above average. Weapons feel OK, yet shooting is not that great -- it seems that the collision paths are not done very well. The sound of P90 sounds so fake that I changed the weapon. One nice thing is the automated "take cover" feature when you approach an object that can serve as a cover from being shot, but it's "over-implemented" and annoying sometimes -- definitively a far cry from R6 Vegas technique of taking cover. Climbing on objects takes two keys, instead of implementing a jump key. There are some neat ideas in the game, maybe not delivered very well. At least for me the promised and not delivered online co-op mode kills this game for me. If one likes both first and third person shooters than this game is OK, but currently there are much better shooters around..
[11/22/07 Update Note: I was told by a few people that there is actually a co-op mode in the game. My reference above to the game not having so loudly announced co-op mode is as not having the co-op mode in the typical PC game meaning of that term -- that is, LAN and on the Internet co-op mode in the style of R6 Vegas or Splinter Cell. I simply don't consider a split screen offline co-op a true co-op, but rather something that xbox players play. A very few PC gamers would consider a split screen, gamepads, and two people sitting around one computer a PC game at all -- that's an xbox game. That's one of the main reasons that console-to-PC ported games mostly suck (with a few exceptions) since everything that would make a game shine on PC is dumbed down so that consoles can handle it. Anywho .. my 5 cents :) ]