If you are looking for a co-op game to play with someone else in the house then pick this up. Rent it first.
The only time during the story I actually cared about what happens to a character is at the end. If you want a stupid ending, take the chopper; if you want more gameplay and a better ending, go to the village.
There are annoying technical issues that keep this game from being awesome. The aiming is messed up. It feels more like a PS2 game. Games like Rainbow Six Vegas, Gears of War, and Halo do a good job with the aiming mechanics, but Kane and Lynch don't. It is sad because all they had to do was give more control over the movement. If you try to get a head shot you have to barely touch the stick to move the cross hair slowly. Less sensitivity like Halo would have made this game so much more fun. I hope they get with the times if they make a part two.
Another technical issue is that grenades do not kill enemies that they should. Cover is not done well. Sometimes it is almost impossible to kill an enemy that is peeking out of cover, even though you see your bullets hitting his head. The reason a bastard enemy does not die when you throw a grenade next to his feet is probably the cover system's technical issues.
Even with the technical issues this game is worth playing, especially because of the co-op. The co-op is done well and it's fun. I only wish there was co-op online as well.
The online is sort of fun, but because enemies appear in the same place every time, it does not have lasting fun. If they made the AI and enemy spawning more like RB6V, the online would be loads of fun. That and if they fixed the technical issues.
The level design is well done and varied enough that it kept me interested enough to beat the game again by my self on the hardest setting. On the hardest setting Kane and Lynch is still not much of a challenge.
Nothing special about the graphics but they do look nice. The animation is okay.
The voice acting is good, except for the overly used F word. Weapons sound fine. The music is good, but the atmosphere is nothing special.
They work well enough, but could be better. Aiming needs work.
The game is short. Rent it first.