The BEST co-op game i ever played!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men X360
just ignore the other reviews, cause they havent played the game !

i finished the game this holiday and i felt, wonderful!
i want to play it again.
its the best co-op game ever.

in the begining you escape prison, and the police chasing you, shooting like nuts. your running through sideways of town into a garage and a donut shop, driving then away with a van that you always have with you.

the loading times dont exists, bacuase the main characters have funny discustions. like the sega game "toe-jam and earl" when they ride the elivator. this game have the same feeling.

the difficulty is just right , but sometimes you going nuts, because there are so many cops all over the place. but that its just fun.

graphics = 8
controls = 8 changed the acceleration in controller setup to 0. then its playable=)
entertaining = 10 100% fun through entire game

i give this game 9.5 its the only game that have given me what i wanted so far in a co-op action game.