Promises of what could have been...

User Rating: 5 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men X360
I rarely write reviews for many of the games that I play. However, I felt the need to for such a game as Kane and Lynch. All the hype before the game's release as well as the stunning trailers seemed to suggest a dark gritty story combined with highly intense 3rd person action. Don't beleive the hype!
The story doesn't involve you at all and frankly I don't care what happens to anyone in the game, which for such a story driven game spoils it right off the bat. When you start getting into the game, this is where Kane and Lynch really falls though, the graphics are just dull and uninspiring, the sounds effects similarly boring, enemies of little challenge.
None of this however, compares to one of the most frustrating parts of an already poor game! The aiming! For an ex-mercenary Kane is abysmal with any kind of weapon! If you work on about a clip per enemy that is how inaccurate he is, whether you are single shot firing or full auto Kane will, almost comically, make bullet holes all around his target hitting them maybe twice! This is the only reason why I have given the game a hard rating!
For a game that showed such promise, I feel cheated that I got so excited when my pre-ordered copy arrived! As much as I would have loved this to be the perfect game, don't believe the hype.