Truly dreadful - almost every element has been superceded by other (often older and cheaper) games

User Rating: 1 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men PC
I've played a large number of first person shooters and quite a few have been less than great. But few reach the depths of tedium that this game achieves - mechanics are average to grim (I won't go into the cover mechanism as this has been done to death elsewhere), aiming/weapon accuracy leaves a lot to be desired and while the plot sstarts with what should have been an interesting and novel premise the game just generates into an uninspiring shootfest.

Frankly there are much much better games on the market if want to shoot stuff (such as CoD4, Crysis), much better games if you want atmosphere and story (such as Stalker) and much much better games if you want graphics (such as CoD4 and Crysis again).

The only excuse for this may be that Eidos were desperate to get the game out for financial reasons and ignored the developers, since to be honest it does feel half finished.

All I can say is, thank goodness I didn't pay for it but played a friends copy not waste your money