Amazing story and scenery, very fun to play even though there are some frustrating aspects to consider.

User Rating: 6 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men X360
I had to review this game as I felt Gamespot did not do Kane & Lynch justice. Before the game was released I was looking forwart to buying it as it had quite a lot of hype, but when I saw the reviews it put me off buying, and so did the demo on xbox live. After I ran out of games to play I borrowed this one from a friend, and I was extremely surprised.

No matter what GS says the story is fantastic and runs as though you are playing though a movie, and apart from this the graphics are well detailed and you get to play through various different, but all graphically proficient, landscapes.

The game makes you do a LOT of shooting,and plays similar to Gears Of War, though the weapon accuracy can be terrible at times. Another frustrating habit the game has is when you are dying and need adrenaline (or whatever they give you to revive you) sometimes your allies tend to walk straigt past you and ignore you, resulting in you having to return to your last checkpoint.

Ignore the reviews, and rent it if you must, but at least give it a try/ It takes a while to get into it, but the result is a slightly buggy game with intense shooting and an epic story.