Definately has mixed views... but I thinks its bloody great!

User Rating: 8.5 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men PS3
We cant ignore the fact that alot of people love this game, and theres just as many who hates it. However, Im one of those that love it. To be fair there are a few things that could be touched on.
When I first got the game and saw on the back "Cert. 18; Contains very strong violence". It was not as violent as I thought, but still damn violent all the same. The camera viwe maybe way too up close to the character that you play, and the aiming (depending on what weapon your using) can be occassionally pretty bad, but this is something to get use to all the same. Thats pretty much all the criticisms I can think of for Kane and Lynch: Dead men, so lets get onto the stuff that makes it a good game. The gameplay can be pretty intense. Either your stealthing through the jungle of Havana, or your all guns blazing against the entire Tokyo police department in the middle of a street. So the gameplay does stay exciting and enjoyable, not only that, but its good story-telling.

You play Kane, a flawed mercenary who was being transported to his execution. However, fellow death-row prisoner, Lynch, gets them both out of the transport vehicle, with the help of unidentified soldiers. Kane soon discovers that the soldiers were sent by 'the7', a top-secret mercenary group who Kane use to work with, before Kane ran-off with the7's loot after a mission in Venezuela. Kane did this because he thaught the rest of the7 were dead, turns out they werent, and their pissed off. They see Kane as a traitor and give him three weeks to get the money back to them, or they will kill his wife and daughter. The7 makes Lynch be a watdog for Kane to make sure he stays in line. However, Lynch has a darker side to himself then hes letting on, which becomes very dangerouse which makes Kanes job a whole lot harder.

With Kane and Lynch hating each other every step of the way, its pretty amusing watching them both bicker and **** at each other, especially whilst their trying to keep each other alive.

I cant get over why there are so much criticisms over Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Its a great game and very worthy of your gaming collection. I mean, if its that bad, how come Eidos is already planning to make a sequel, and Lionsgate is requesting the rights to make a movie based on the hard-headed pair. Eidos has got so much faith in Kane and Lynch that theyve put more investment into them than they ever did with any of the Lara Croft games. So to be fair, Kane and Lynch must be doin something right. We just have to see if all of those haters turn into lovers in the near future. As far as what is spread around, and how decent of a game this is, Kane and Lynch are certainly NOT dead men.