You can tell by looking at gameplay it's just bad Mortal Kombat rip-offs.

User Rating: 4 | Kasumi Ninja JAG
The Jaguar is Atari's worst console to date, but what made it so bad? The controller? The commercials? The games? DING DING! That's right! None of the Jaguar's games were truly in "3D" and Kasumi Ninja proves it. Kasumi Ninja was a bad rip-off of Mortal Kombat and is one of the worst fighting games ever. Some of the characters in this gaame look so rediculous and the ninja outfits are like 3 sizes too big for the actors playing them. And the only good thing about this game was a character named Angus. He shoots fire from his balls - FLAMING BALLS! And the opening select screen has choppy 3D graphics and there is no text to tell you what the hell you're looking at. They just couldn't afford the license for Mortal Kombat, so they decided to rip them off. The reason people still play this game is because it's just so funny to look at. It's just so badly made. The controlls for this game are just so suckish, and the controller is just so massive. Stay away from this game at all costs.

Kiss-A My Ass Ninja!